In my previous post I’ve described how to create Kubernetes cluster manually, today I wanna show you how to do this using PKS and vRealize.
PKS or actually VMware Enterprise PKS formerly known as Pivotal Container Service it is a product which simplify deploy K8s cluster.
However, before we start creating clusters, we must prepare the infrastructure
Ops Manager
For deploy OPS manager we are using OVA provided on Pivotal web page we have there many images but in this case we download Ops for vsphere
The deployment process is quite easy only one thing we should remember to provide SSH public key for user which should have posibilities to manage this machine. If we will not provide this then our VM will shut down in few seconds afer power on
After deployment we can open web page for ops manager and create user. We can use Idendity provider or internal authentication. For this lab purpose I have one internal user.
After login in we can proceed with next step
BOSH Director for vSphere
Before deplyment we need to provide details about our vCenter environment
Create availability Zone
Create Networks
And Assign Availability Zone and Network
When all configs are green
We can go to installation dashboard and Review Changes and apply them for deploy Bosh Director
Installation Logs show to us process
Bosh Director is completed so last part of infrastructure
Enterprise PKS
We need to download PIVOTAL image from web page and import in Ops Manager. It take a while as file has almost 5GB but after we will have another element in our dashboard
Configuration is a similar to Bosh Director, as we need to provide few details
Availability Groups and Networks
PKS hostname and Certificate, I have self generated
Information where Kubernetes cluster will be deployed as we can do the deployment from PKS or we can assign it to vRA
and in same way like director review pending changes and apply changes
Now our infrastructure is complete
PKS require from us user for management so on Linux I’ve install element like
- pks
- kubectl
- Development Tools which are required for Ruby
- cf-uaac
- om-linux
- bosh-cli
I will not describe all this installation but only show you how to configure user.
When we have uaac on VM we need to create target
uaac target https://pks.vworld.domain.local:8443 --skip-ssl-validation
next get token from admin
uaac token client get admin -s j5WxDNoz7RImkrnUQjSu8Usb-lwLaurW
where -s parameter is from Pks Uaa Management Admin Client
Now we can create user
uaac user add master --emails master@vworld.domain.local -p VMware1!
and assign the role
uaac member add pks.clusters.admin master
With this user we can login to our PKS and create cluster, but this article is K8s from PKS usin vRealize so lets configure it.
vRealize Automation
In Identity Manager for Containers we need to add our user
Now lets configure our PKS as an Endpoint
Port for UAA is 8443 and for PKS is 9021
after succesfully added we can create and deploy Cluster
After a while we have fully configured Kubernetes cluster
We have dashboard installed on cluster but not able normally login so need to add tunell for our SSH connection
then we can connect to our Linux VM where we have install kubectl and open the Dashboard on Windows machine with standard browser providing config file which can be get from our machine by running this command
pks get-credentials <cluster_name>
and those credentials are available in
I’ve copy this to my Windows machine and save in clear text files
Thats it we have second posibilities to create K8s cluster